
Thursday, December 18, 2008


I saw this in the japanese home interior mag that I've been reading.So, when by God's grace, I came across it in old chinatown,I just have to buy it although I'm watching my spending very carefully these days.The shop stocks a lot of the decor that is featured in the mag.I'm very happy.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jazzy くーりすーます !

I was recommended this Xmas album while at Gramophone during lunchtime one day.It is just the way I like it.Smooth sexy jazz.Very soothing to the ears and cafe-style.The more I listen to it (I play it in the office pc everyday) the more it grows on me.I'm very happy.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cafe ほん

The first two were bought from ときょ and the two back copies were bought from きのくにおや (20% discount for members).I neva get tired of reading 'em over & over again!!Le petit pleasures ですね!

Black Rice Vinegar Wine

This was bought when we were in Taipei.It tastes like
sparkling juice and not even a hint of vinegar!
It contains about 10% alcohol and best drunk chilled.
Warms the body as you sip the liquid.Nice.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

白い恋人 - Chocolat Blanc Et Langue De Chat

White chocolate is sandwiched between langue-de-chat biscuits.You're sure to enjoy this simple, sweet combination.Only from Sapporo...... I hope to serve this in my cafe one day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lemons lemons lemons!

How beautiful can a fruit be?
Nothing smells as invigorating as walking into a kitchen smelling of freshly squeezed lemons!

Tonight, I decided to treat myself to a honey lemoned tea.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

かわいいですね!Banana Saver

Sandee- さんはわたしにbanana saver をくれます。

Mosaic mirror

A good inspiration from Chen Yen's bathroom.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mushroom Bloom

Serving trays for Immanuel.....and friends.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cup cover

This is so pretty to sit over my cup that I have to get it!Even thou it costs me $11.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

きれいい! こぎ!

This morning, we brought Immi and the two girls to the Botanic Garden for a walk.It rained heavily halfway but we managed to take shelter at the gardeners quarters.They were very kind to allow us in.After that,we went to K9 cafe for a coffee break.Ainsley was very tired and lazed at a cozy corner.Clicquot was energetic as ever.Over there,we saw two more corgis at a therapy shop nearby.They are beautiful too.It was a happy day for everyone.

Friday, August 15, 2008


I think this is a beautiful cake.It is topped with lots of mango balls.The little purple flowers enhanced the yellow color beautifully.I would love to serve it at my cafe one day : )

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ainsley's food bowl

Our dear friends Chris & Pauline gave us this bowl.(It costs only S$5 can u believe it?!)We went to the closing down sale at Pawtobello this afternoon.I thot it was a pity as its a nice cafe.There aren't more places where we could bring the girls now.Why can't pet cafes survived in Spore?Dun Sporeans bring their dogs out for coffee?When I open my cafe one day,I'll make it a family + arts + pets friendly place.I feel that a home is not a home until you include a four-legged K9 pal in your family. Woof woof!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It was raining very heavily this afternoon.I wonder how is my darling Ainsley coping with the thunderstorm.She is terribly afraid of the thunder.She will hide under her table in the kitchen that is now her "house".Then she will start panting madly and salivate non-stop.Nothing we do could coax her out of her house; not even treats.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


This is Clicquot my beloved "god-doghter". She is a true beauty and she is also extremely protective when it comes to food.She'll kill just to get that stuff inside her mouth.She is perpetually hungry all the time.She is the epitome of a thorough bred Singaporean.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Soup Spaghetti の 店

This has to be one of our all-time fav pasta restaurant in the whole world.Their soup spaghetti is out of this world.It is extremely additive and its no joking matter should u start craving for it!This is definitely something I'll serve in my cafe.Right now,it can only be found in Narita but I'm too selfish to tell u where!Kekeke.......; (

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chic といれ

This is the toilet inside Pierre Marcolini cafe.I like for the way they are able to maximise the small space to contain almost everything or even more!

Pierre Marcolini cafe

We chanced upon this trendy cafe in Ginza district.We went in for a coffee experience and it was great.Everything was very upmarket and high standard.I love it!